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Image of Mikhail  Makarovsky

Mikhail Makarovsky

Director of Pricing

Mikhail partners with firm leadership, department chairs, practice group leaders, the business development team, and other firm stakeholders to design and implement strategies aimed at ensuring the effective and profitable delivery of legal services through creative pricing partnerships, process improvement, and legal project management.

With over 20 years of experience in pricing, business management, and billing for law firms, Mikhail uses his skills in problem solving, modeling, and business analysis to develop efficient pricing proposals, minimize write-offs, negotiate with clients, and create appropriate and competitive rates and fixed-fee scenarios for RFP submissions and other prospective client outreach.

An accredited legal pricing professional (Platinum ALPP), Mikhail is a member of the True Value Partnering Institute's Pricing and Client Value in the Legal Industry cohort. He earned his B.A. in economics, with a minor in mathematics, from Queens College, CUNY.