This panel, featuring Lowenstein Exempt Organizations Chair Elinor Ramey, will focus on:
- How private foundations are navigating the legal and tax aspects of the remote and hybrid work environment
- When are employees commuting and when are they working remotely
- What is each employee's primary place of business and tax home
- What expenses are reasonable and necessary business expenses of the foundation reimbursable under an accountable reimbursement plan, and which expenses are not reimbursable and/or taxable to the employee if not excessive
- What are standard policies for safeguarding employees and foundation property, physical and intellectual
- What the leading practices foundations are implementing within the U.S. and internationally to respond as risks increase and AI increases the ability to create convincing frauds
- Elinor Ramey, Partner; Chair, Exempt Organizations, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
- Candice Meth, Partner, Eisner Amper
Time: 1:05–2:10 p.m. ET
Location: 600 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20001