Jeffrey Blumenfeld, partner and Co-chair of the Antitrust/Competition practice, will speak on the “Litigating the FRAND Defense” panel as part of the 6th IP and Competition Forum - A New World Order for FRAND.
- Jeffrey Blumenfeld, Partner; Co-chair, Antitrust/Competition, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
- Dr. Klaus Grabinski, Judge, Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice), Germany)
- Dr. Andreas Kramer, Partner, Vossius, Düsseldorf
- Dr. Thomas Lynker, Partner, Taliens, Munich
- Vittorio Cerulli Irelli, Partner, Trvisan & Cuonzo, Rome
Conference description:
The conference will discuss the interplay of IP, competition, and public policy. With several key questions to be addressed, such as whether FRAND licensing rates should be global, the adequate level of licensing, as well as the determination of FRAND royalty rates, there is a dire need to caliber the role of both IP and competition law for the high-tech innovation ecosystem. The conference will address topics such as:
- Anti-Suit Injunctions
- Jurisdiction, Extraterritoriality & Comity
- Update on Recent FRAND Cases
- Component Level Licensing
- Proportionality of FRAND injunctions
- What role for Standard Setting Organizations in the eco system?
- Essentiality of Standard Essential Patents
Additional information:
- For more information and to register:
- Complimentary registration is available for friends and clients of the firm.
- Dial-in and registration:
- Day 1: June 23:
- Day 2: June 24:
- Day 3: June 25:
Panel time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. BST